Games are complex to design, study and employ.

Games' underlying interactions obscured by surface.


  • ..comprised of actions.
  • ..logical divisions of interaction work.
  • ..organized around a goal.
  • ..embedded in the game world.
    Def. built on Systemic Activity Theory [1] and TaskCube [6].

    a task..

  • ..represents logical divisions of work in an activity.
  • comprised of one or more actions or subtasks.
  • organized around a goal (task goal) that directs players.
  • ..describes work as its reflected in the output-modality (by how the task embeds within the game world).

Task Framework

*Built upon Refai et al.[5]:
External Assistance Techniques That Target Core Game Tasks for Balancing Game Difficulty, Frontiers in Computer Science.


Abstraction dimension adapted from TaskCube [6].



Task hierarchy adapted from Systemic Activity Theory[1].


Following Wensveen's couplings[8]:
Interaction frogger: A design framework to couple action and function through feedback and feedforward.

Design Applications

Conceptual models of gameplay.

Design Landscapes

Design Properties

    Provoking the Design Process:

  • What do Counter-strike and Tetris have in common?
  • What if racing games didn't use steering?
  • When does aiming become pointing?


  • Games go beyond their surface.
  • Tasks = interaction work.
  • An organization tool.
  • A design tool.
  • For rigourous analysis.
  • Compliments other tools.


  1. Bedny, G. Z., & Harris, S. R. (2005). The Systemic-Structural Theory of Activity: Applications to the Study of Human Work. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 12(2), 128–147.
  2. Cardona-Rivera, M. S. D., José P. Zagal, Rogelio E. (2020). A Typology of Imperative Game Goals. Game Studies, 20(3), 1.
  3. Debus, M. S. (2019). Unifying Game Ontology: A Faceted Classification of Game Elements. IT-Universitetet i København.
  4. Funk, M., Müller, F., Fendrich, M., Shene, M., Kolvenbach, M., Dobbertin, N., Günther, S., & Mühlhäuser, M. (2019). Assessing the Accuracy of Point & Teleport Locomotion with Orientation Indication for Virtual Reality using Curved Trajectories. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12.
  5. Refai, J. J., Bateman, S., & Fleming, M. W. (2020). External Assistance Techniques That Target Core Game Tasks for Balancing Game Difficulty. Frontiers in Computer Science, 2.
  6. Rind, A., Aigner, W., Wagner, M., Miksch, S., & Lammarsch, T. (2016). Task Cube: A three-dimensional conceptual space of user tasks in visualization design and evaluation. Information Visualization, 15(4), 288–300.
  7. Sicart, M. (2008). Defining Game Mechanics. Game Studies, 8(2).
  8. Wensveen, S. A. G., Djajadiningrat, J. P., & Overbeeke, C. J. (2004). Interaction frogger: A design framework to couple action and function through feedback and feedforward. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, 177–184.


  • Nicolas Adenis-Lamarre. 2005. X-Moto. Game [macOS, Windows, Linux].
  • The Speed Dreams Team. 2010. Speed Dreams. Game [Windows, Linux].
  • Pablo Ruiz Ciudad. 2020. Rope Skipper. Game [Windows].
  • Alexey Pajitnov. 1985. Tetris. Game [PC].
  • Watabou. 2012. Pixel Dungeon. Game [Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux].
  • Bastian Hougaard. 2019. Whack-A-Mole VR. Game [Windows, macOS, Linux]. Whack_A_Mole_VR

    Our Thanks

  • Susanne Bødker, Scott Bateman, Mitchell McEwan for their invaluable input.
  • colleagues and collaborators for early stage feedback, especially Niels C. Nilsson, Lars Evald, Iris Brunner and Mads Jochumsen.
  • all reviewers past and present for their constructive feedback.
  • the Medialogy students at Aalborg University who collaborated with us, especially our case studies' participating students.
  • open source tools we use: Blender, gIMP, Inkscape, LaTeX, Reveal.js.
  • open source games we play: Shattered Pixel Dungeon, Tetris.js, and OpenGolf!
  • creators of the free OpenPeeps Flat Assets and Google's Material Design Icons.